It should not be surprising that Joshua Atreides is an artist. His grandmother was a popular artist in Cincinnati, Ohio. His grandfather was a musician. His mother is a musical playright, a pianist, and a flutist. The genes are there, but art did not originally call out to Atreides.
Born in Cincinnati and spending several of his formative years in Greece, Atreides settled with his family in Baltimore, Maryland. Attending Pikesville High School and eventually McDaniels College, he seemed destined to follow his father into medicine and considered law, having the academic chops to make either happen.
But then something else happened. The art bug bit.
Atreides left school and followed his muse. Working every day, all day on pieces large and small, he created a body of work now numbering in the hundreds. These hand drawn, pen and ink, meticulous, complex, evocative pieces span a gauntlet from calming to dramatic.
Atreides invites you to explore his art and thanks your for your visit.
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